Department of Medicine 2019 Annual Report

Our Broad Reach

A Look Inside

Welcome to our Department of Medicine annual report for 2019.

You’ll see some impressive statistics about us in here: We are 15 divisions comprising 606 faculty, 920 staff and research associates, and 475 trainees. We have 30 endowed professorships. We brought in $136 million to support our sponsored research. Our work in 2018 included 556 grants from both federal and non-federal entities and clinical trials.

But there’s a human side to those numbers, and this year’s report reflects that. You’ll find an array of stories detailing the activities of the divisions, centers, programs, and institutes that make up the Department of Medicine. We’ve grouped the articles in this report into three sections reflecting the energy we put into caring for patients, caring for each another, and caring for communities both local and global.

Much of our work focuses on patients – those who come to Stanford seeking our clinical expertise. We learn about Manali Patel’s research into simple ways to improve terminally ill patients’ quality of life, and Alan Pao’s efforts to help those with kidney stones avoid forming more stones. What better way to teach beginning medical students about interacting with patients than what’s described in the Walk with Me article?

Internally, we focus on how we care for our own Department of Medicine community of staff, faculty, trainees, and research associates. Stories like REACH describe our attention to wellness and wellbeing. Angela Rogers’s resident symposium celebrates the work residents put into their dedicated research month. And in the profile of Tamara Dunn we are reminded of the need to increase diversity and inclusion and to build resilience.

The local communities that we serve are described in stories about the staff-led SCOPE community service program as well as the GI division’s move to Redwood City. We learn about the Million Veterans Program, an enormous database that will help both the veterans who contribute their data to it and the entire field of medicine. Our care for global communities is highlighted by Michael Baiocchi’s work with at-risk Kenyan girls as well as by Kari Nadeau and Michele Barry’s contributions to the study of climate change’s effects on children, especially those younger than age five.

This Department of Medicine does amazing work. Read all these articles about your peers and perhaps yourself and take pleasure in the role you play in what we do. When it comes to the achievements of the Department of Medicine, we all play a part.


Robert Harrington, MD
Chair, Department of Medicine

Caring for our Patients

Walk with Me: Early Clinical Experiences for Medical Students

Walk with Me: Early Clinical Experiences for Medical Students

Current Walk with Me partners: patient VANESSA DEEN JOHNSON (left) and medical student CLAIRE RHEE.Current Walk with Me partners: patient VANESSA DEEN JOHNSON (left) and medical student CLAIRE RHEE.Motivated to integrate the science and art of...

Delivering Care by Taking a Step Back

Delivering Care by Taking a Step Back

Lay health worker GEE ZHU (center) and MANALI PATEL, MD (right) meet with patient DONALD FREDERICKLay health worker GEE ZHU (center) and MANALI PATEL, MD (right) meet with patient DONALD FREDERICKCan someone with no medical training improve the...

Putting Bioethics into Practice

Putting Bioethics into Practice

KATE LUENPRAKANSIT, MDKATE LUENPRAKANSIT, MDBioethics is a rapidly evolving, more-relevant-every-day kind of field. And for Kate Luenprakansit, MD, clinical assistant professor of hospital medicine and clinical bioethicist, it has become a major...

Stanford Amyloid Center: From Start-up to Premier Status

Stanford Amyloid Center: From Start-up to Premier Status

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A Breakthrough Drug Facilitates Safer Bone Marrow Transplants

A Breakthrough Drug Facilitates Safer Bone Marrow Transplants

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Caring for Each Other

Integrating Medicine with Basic Science

Integrating Medicine with Basic Science

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Tamara Dunn in Focus

Tamara Dunn in Focus

TAMARA DUNN, MDTAMARA DUNN, MDA steady hum of energy and activity seems to constantly surround Tamara Dunn, MD, clinical assistant professor of hematology. Perhaps it’s the time of day — it’s early evening, a notoriously hectic time, and she’s...

Residency Training with a Side of Wellness

Residency Training with a Side of Wellness


New Cardiology Faculty

New Cardiology Faculty

NITISH BADHWAR, MD (left), in the electrophysiology lab.NITISH BADHWAR, MD (left), in the electrophysiology lab. The cardiovascular medicine division has added two new faculty members, both of whom have skills that complement and supplement those...

Conference Showcases Residency Research

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A Portfolio to Capture Faculty’s Inventive Side

A Portfolio to Capture Faculty’s Inventive Side

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Caring for our Community

Stanford Community Outreach Partnership Efforts (SCOPE)

Stanford Community Outreach Partnership Efforts (SCOPE)


A Project to Reduce Rape of Young Kenyans

A Project to Reduce Rape of Young Kenyans

Stanford researchers CLEA SARNQUIST and MICHAEL BAIOCCHI, PHD (center left and right), work with Kenyan researchers and data colletors to refine their latest survey.Stanford researchers CLEA SARNQUIST and MICHAEL BAIOCCHI, PHD (center left and...

Crossing Divisions to Solve Global Climate Change

Crossing Divisions to Solve Global Climate Change

MICHELE BARRY, MD (right), discusses effects of climate change with KARI NADEAU, MD, PHD (left)MICHELE BARRY, MD (right), discusses effects of climate change with KARI NADEAU, MD, PHD (left)“Global climate change has direct effects on our health,...

GI’s Move to Redwood City: Creating Multiple Opportunities

GI’s Move to Redwood City: Creating Multiple Opportunities

LINDA NGUYEN, MD (right), performs a procedure.LINDA NGUYEN, MD (right), performs a procedure.Not long ago, new patients at the gastroenterology and hepatology (GI) division would sometimes wait for months for a non-urgent appointment. They were...

A Database of a Million Veterans

A Database of a Million Veterans

LAWRENCE LEUNG, MD (left), and PHILIP TSAO, PHDLAWRENCE LEUNG, MD (left), and PHILIP TSAO, PHDThe goal is simple but ambitious: collect samples and medical data from a million American veterans to create an enormous database of medical information....

Can AI Really Improve Care?

Can AI Really Improve Care?

ARNOLD MILSTEIN, MD (right), collaborates with FEI-FEI LI, PHD, director of the Artificial Intelligence LabARNOLD MILSTEIN, MD (right), collaborates with FEI-FEI LI, PHD, director of the Artificial Intelligence LabArnold Milstein, MD, came to...

Humans and AI, Not Humans versus AI

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FAIR Compliant Biomedical Metadata Templates | CEDAR

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“This is one of the great joys of being in an academic institution: discovery and mentorship all in one moment.”
Justin Annes, MD, PhD

“I’m heartened that diversity and inclusion have come to the forefront of discussion at Stanford, and that Stanford is showing that these issues are important.”
Tamara Dunn, MD

“Pitting humans against machines is not the point. Rather, how best to relevantly engage both for the sum to be greater than the parts should be the focus.”
Abraham Verghese, MD

“At the end of this, there’s a patient at the center of all of these discussions.”
Kate Luenprakansit, MD

“People, both faculty and staff, come to Stanford to be part of a noble cause, and that nobility extends not just to academic and clinical contribution, but to social and community contribution as well.”
Sang-Ick Chang, MD, MPH